Schedule of workshops

Please note that changes may occur in the workshops schedule.

June 23rd, Monday

Start Finish Event What`s interesting Venue
09:00 11:00 «Web-design» Hosts give advices and tools for web-designers Cosmos, Blue Hall
13:00 16:00 «Applications Development» Developers of Apps for Windows Phone and e-transport tell about apps development from idea to implementation UrFU, Demidov Hall

June 24th, Tuesday

09:00 11:00 «Social Media Marketing» Speakers share their recommendations how to increase traffic on web-site and attention to the brand via social media Cosmos, Blue Hall

June 25th, Wednesday

09:00 11:00 «E-DJeing» Workshop on development, aggregation and presentation of e-music Cosmos, Blue Hall
14:00 17:00 «Web-design» Hosts give advices and tools for web-designers DIVS, Gym

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Call us
+7 965-542-00-00