
On June, 22nd a fence marking ICPCZone — a special territory for ACM ICPC participants and guest – appeared round Cosmos. In front of the main entrance the police placed a bus stop, and on the streets of Ekaterinburg you can see shuttles with ICPC signs.
Today in the morning shuttles delivered ACM ICPC participants and guests to DIVS. Dress Rehearsal is scheduled here from 10:00 till 12:30. At the daytime after all the official events participants can relax in the Chill Zone: play giant checkers, volleyball, fight lasers or take part in racing radio controlled car.
Bus schedule you can always find on the website under «Bus transfer from Hotels to ICPC Zone». Corporate shuttles are not the only free way of transportation for the participants. All of them received a transport card used in public transport.
For those who want to see main sights of Ekaterinburg the organizers have prepared a pocket city guide. You can easily take it from Help Desk in the hotel or download from the web-site.
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