
Who will be the ACM ICPC 2014 champion? The intrigue stayed unveiled until the last moment. One hour before the end of the contest MSU team was a leader with six solved problems, SPbSU team rated the second. However at the moment of “unfreezing” the results table at the Closing ceremony it turned out that during the last hour the Moscow team solved one more problem and the team from Saint-Petersburg solved three and equalized the score! Then time determined the fate of the cup and SPbSU solved the problems faster.
Thus, the team of St.Petersburg State University solved seven tasks among twelve, showing exceptional skills in solution of the most difficult mathematical problems. World champions in programming will come back home with the cup as well as prizes and work placement and job offers from IBM and other leading IT companies.
Teams of Moscow State University, Beijing University, National University of Taiwan have rated second, third and forth accordingly and got the gold medals.
The list of ACM ICPC 2014 winners:
• St. Petersburg State University (gold medal, World Champion)
• Moscow State University (gold medal, 2nd prize)
• Peking University (gold medal, 3rd prize)
• National Taiwan University (gold medal, 4th prize)
• University of Warsaw (silver medal, 5th prize)
• Shanghai Jiao Tong University (silver medal, 6th prize)
• The University of Tokyo (silver medal, 7th prize)
• University of Zagreb (silver medal, 8th prize)
• St. Petersburg National Research University of IT, Mechanics and Optics (bronze medal, 9th prize)
• National Research University Higher School of Economics (bronze medal, 10th prize)
• Tsinghua University (bronze medal, 11th prize)
• Comenius University (bronze medal, 12th prize)
National Research University Higher School of Economics and Comenius University (Slovakia) have become dark horses of the championship. They have won bronze medals and got ahead of such eminent participants of the Finals as Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University.
”ACM ICPC is a wonderful opportunity for students from all over the world to get together and exchange valuable experience, says Dr,Bill Poucher, professor of Baylor University) and executive director of ACM ICPC. I’m happy to see the young people using their knowledge that they got during the competition for their further development in science and career as members of ACM. “
The next Championship will be held in Marocco in 2015.
To watch the video of the Closing ceremony of the ACM ICPC 2014 follow this link.
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